Bluestacks app for windows 10
Bluestacks app for windows 10

bluestacks app for windows 10

You can use BlueStacks to test out a new app if you don’t want it to have access to any of the data on your phone or tablet. All you need to do is download the APK file to your computer and run it on BlueStacks.

bluestacks app for windows 10

Once you download the free BlueStacks software, you’ll be able to play mobile games or open other apps that were designed especially for Android devices, on your PC.īlueStacks is an Android Emulator, which means it creates an environment that is compatible with APK files. If you’ve ever wanted to run Android apps on your PC, BlueStacks can change your life. Best Parental Control for iPhone & iPad.IPVanish VPN vs Private Internet Access.

Bluestacks app for windows 10